
The conference focuses specifically on research activities in English Language Education carried out by academics/teacher trainers, English language teachers, as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students.

The MIRCELE ONLINE 2022 will see researchers from the following categories submit extended abstracts for review and feedback from a panel of experts:

  1. Academics/Teacher Trainers
  2. English Language Teachers
  3. Ph.D. Candidates
  4. Master’s Students
  5. Undergraduates/Pre-service Teachers

How do I participate as a presenter?

You will belong to one of the following categories:

  1. Academics/Teacher Trainers
  2. English Language Teachers
  3. Ph.D. Candidates
  4. Master’s Students
  5. Undergraduates/Pre-service Teachers

Your intention is to share a research project that you have completed, or present a project which is on-going with some initial findings.

The content of what you wish to share must be presented in an extended abstract using the guidelines that you can find in the “Downloads” section of this conference website. Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference e-proceedings.

What happens after I submit my extended abstract?

Your extended abstract will then be sent to two independent reviewers for feedback. You will then receive an acknowledgement from the organising committee. Once the review is completed, you will be informed of whether your submission has been accepted for presentation on the day of the conference.

What happens after my extended abstract is reviewed and accepted?

You will receive a letter of acceptance which will provide you details of how you should register and prepare for the conference. Among others, you will be asked to record a 3 minutes video presentation. This recording will be uploaded in the conference platform to be viewed by the delegates.
We recommend a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation which allows you to record your presentation. Presenters will need to be at our conference platform at your presentation slot to respond to questions by delegates

All accepted submissions will be recognised with MELTA Excellence in Research awards.